Player Overusage

Q: How does the Computer Manager handle player over usage, specifically QB starters in the USFFL?

A: It is really up to each coach to monitor your usage. We use a 150% usage for QB’s. From the rules:  When a player is over a certain percentage of usage then that player may have to sit out a game. A maximum of 2 players will be forced to rest each game – the two that have the highest usage over and above their projected usage. Only one player from each category (running backs, quarterbacks and receivers) will be rested.

How to Manually Set Your Starter for the Week

In the game select:

1. View–> Computer Manager Home Team (or Away Team depending on which you are this particular week)

2. Click the Replace button (this will do a global replace for all formations)

3. Select the position of QB then select which QB you want to go into the starting lineup.


Additional / Follow Up Questions

  1. How does the game/cm decide who starts?

Out of the box, I believe the computer manager picks a starting lineup based on usage(Qb attempted passes/WR-TE Catches/RB attempted carries

2. Do I need to track usage or with the game must do it? 

Computer tracks it according to the percentages the league chose at the beginning of the season. As far as I know the computer does not provide usage stats. Page 34 of the game rules shows you how to calculate manually. 

3. How much usage do I have? (ie can I start for example Locke the rest of the season?) 

See previous answer

4. Will the game ever start Allen (who I  believe started only a few games during the season)? 

That would depend on usage and injuries to the 2 other qb’s during the replay. (if qb1 is injured and qb2 is overused then Allen would start, for example)

5. If I want to start a different QB, how do I do it? 

Simply  change the computer manager each game , see the instructions above for changing a position in the Game Manager.