Hey Guys!
I was hoping to wrap up our voting at midnight tomorrow night. However, we still have many who have not voted. It looks like most of the proposals won’t pass, however, the proposal for teams entering the COY Tourney healthy (voting proposal D) is sitting at 17 votes to 3 in favor. This suggests a plurality of coaches that want this change to meet the 75% threshold for the vote to pass. However, unless everyone votes it can’t pass. We need 24 votes FOR if the proposal will pass. So, as Denis Ljung mentioned previously… if you fail to vote, it’s the same as voting no.
I would like to encourage all of the coaches who have not voted to get out before midnight tomorrow night and vote.
The league needs you.
One other thing: I am going to put another “poll” out there. This one won’t really be a poll, in the traditional sense. It is a poll that you “Vote” yes on when you can confirm that you have purchased the new version of the online game with card image and it has been installed on your machine. That “poll” will be our virtual roll call for when everyone has the game. I’ll have that poll added out there sometime today.
Let me know if you have any questions.